| | These are some antique postcards of Island Heights.
- Churches and Camp Meeting
In 1878 the Island Heights Association was formed by the Reverend
Jacob McGraw, and 12 other ministers and 17 business men to purchase
land and develop it into a Methodist Camp Meeting Community. The site
of the Camp Meeting Ground is now a public park. A Methodist Episcopal
Church was built in 1884. Then the First United Methodist Church was
constructed in 1925 and is still very active today. The Chapel of St.
Gertrude of the Holy Ghost was built as a mission of the St. Joseph
Church of Toms River in 1908. The mission Church is open every summer.
The St. Phillip Episcopal Church was built in 1882 and has had some
though many different uses throughout the years.
- The Springs
The Springs was a summer school and camp for the Girls' Friendly
Society. They were a group of young girls and women who were
members of the Episcopal Church of New Jersey.
Railroad and Letter Park
The Pennsylvania Railroad built a causeway over the Toms River to Island
Heights in 1883 making a direct rail link from New York City or Philadelphia
possible for visitors. The cement Island Heights letters would announce to
those arriving from the train it was the end of the line.
- Island Heights Yacht Club
The IHYC was organized on July 28, 1898 with Charles Webb as the first
Commodore. Meetings were held in the house until the clubhouse was completed
in 1900. The objectives of the IHYC were, "to promote yachting and
rowing, and to foster athletic sports upon the water."
Island Heights Pavilion and Hotels
The pavilion initially housed Sunday evening camp meetings
knows as "Dock Services." The pavilion was also used for
dances with love orchestras and bands, and it became the home of the
traditional Labor Day games. The Island House, built in 1880, was the
first hotel built in Island Heights. It later became the Riverview and
then the Edge Water.
John Wanamaker ran a summer camp for his employees
from his department stores in Philadelphia an New York City, from 1904
until 1941. They studied music and athletics in addition to
military drill. Between 1949 and 1969, it was run as a
Presbyterian summer camp.
Residential and Street Scenes
Island Heights started
as a Methodist Meeting community. Many very small cottages were built around the camp meeting
grounds. Before long the community became known for its yachting
activities and seashore pleasures, and many grand cottages were
built. Because of the quality of the original architecture and
the preservation of the remnants of that era, Island Heights is now on
the State an National Registers of Historical Sites.
- Sailing Scenes
In addition to pleasure
boating, members of the yacht club started racing against the Bay Head and
Seaside Park yacht clubs in 1901 and became one of the 4 original members of
the Barnegat Bay Racing Association.