Historical Site |
Heights Cultural & Heritage Association
The "Cottage" Museum 105 Simpson Avenue P.O. Box 670 Island Heights, New Jersey 08732-0670 MEMBERSHIP
APPLICATION __ The IHCHA membership year runs from January I through December 31. Dues are $10.00 per person per year, or $15 per couple living at the same address. Please make your check payable to I.H.C.H.A and mail application and membership fee to: The
Island Heights Cultural
& Heritage Association, PO
Box 670, Island
Heights, NJ 08732 Name(s)_____________________ Address___________________________ (Street
& PO) City/State/Zip______________________ Phone_______________________
(Daytime #) Phone_______________________
(Evening #) I
would like to give a gift membership to the person below: NAME_____________________________ ADDRESS_________________________
CITY/STATE/ZIP_____________________ __I
would like to further support your goals through a tax-deductible contribution
to 'The Cottage Museum Amount
enclosed $_________________ |